Ngày đăng: 07/04/2021

Dear Parents,

Time passes so quickly and there are only 2 months left until the Himawari students will graduate from kindergarten school and move to a new class. We sincerely thank you for your companionship during the past time. This March, some children are having irritable bowel disease, hand, foot and mouth disease, or viral fever, which makes us very worried. Fortunately, the situation is now under control. We still keep maintaining classroom sanitation, toy disinfection as well as to instruct out students to wash hands before eating and after going to the toilet. At the same time, we pay strict attention to food reception and processing in the kitchen.

For your child to be able to change his/her clothes on his/her own

After one and a half year, children tend to want to change clothes on their own. However, it is still difficult for them. Children want to do it themselves but their skills are still clumsy. Sometimes they can't do it, so they will get upset, then cry and will not want to do it anymore. Therefore, we need to encourage them to perform difficult manipulations. After that, we can let our children do simple manipulations by themselves. When our children complete changing their clothes, we can give them some compliments. By doing this, our children will feel happy to be praised. From that, they will become more confident to change their clothes and want to try many other things. In order for our children to be active in changing clothes, you should prepare easy-to-wear clothes for your children!


Parents do not allow their children to wear cumbersome beaded clothes, back zipper skirts, zipper pants, necklaces, bracelets, or earrings, etc. Not only is it difficult for children to get caught up in their own clothes, but it can also put them in a dangerous situation.


The flare skirt makes it difficult for children to move and easily stumble.

The boys wear zipper pants without underwear, so when they pull the zipper up or down incorrectly, they can be clamped to the genitals, causing danger.

Things to bring every school day:

A few spare sets of clothes, a bag for dirty clothes, a water bottle, a cup and a toothbrush (please prepare a small bag for the cup and the toothbrush)

Please do not bring toys and food to school. When they bring their own toy to school, others would want to play with it as well, and this will cause arguement and the fight over toys. The toy might be broken during the process and the broken pieces might be dangerous for children who swallow them.

Students eat plenty of delicious meals with full of nutritions and a great variety of food. Due to that reason, there is no need for children to bring other food, drink or supplement vitamins to school. 

(Plans for April)

16/4: Birthday party

19,20,22/4: Practice for Sports Festiva

21/4: Hung Kings Commemoration Day

23/4: Sports Festival Day

30/4-1/5: Liberation Day and May Day – 4 days off


We sincerely thank you for your support during the training workshops about Japanese teaching methods last March. It was a precious time for teachers to learn more about pedagogical knowledge as well as skills in taking care of and educating children. Through the training workshop, the solidarity of the teachers was enhanced. Besides, they could grasp the innovation and improve the quality of education, as well as help the children have many useful activities at school and in daily life.

Not only were teacher trained theoretically, but we were also trained about how to organize classes, learnt new songs, dances, English and Art to apply with our classes right after the training workshops. Moreover, the school seriously formalized rules, attitudes, and working style of teachers.

In order to create a good habit in the daily life and build a stable life in the future, it is important for children to practice and cultivate useful knowledge every day. According to the Japanese education methods, the school will have a certain set of rules. Based on that, children will be assured when going to school as well as promoting their own roles and developing their critical thinking and independence.

We will always unite towards the goal of quality education. Each teacher will be a good role model when working with full responsibility as well as trying to bring the best learning and playing environment students. We look forward to receiving the support and co-operation from all parents in following all of the rules given by the school in order to assist students in developing comprehensively in all fields. Only when there is a unity between the school and the family, does the school gain its educational goal.

We would like to send our sincere thanks to you.

With Teacher Eri’s instruction, our students created lovely products to send to their mothers on International Women’s Day. We hope that their mothers will love those small gifts and preserve the adorable memory.

The swimming pool is ready again.

The cheers of excitement when the students went down to the pool have made our school more joyful during the past days. Their chirping voice, and laughter make us so happy and earn more energy for the long working day.

New teachers at Sakura Olympia

- Phan Thu Hằng: Vice principle

- Eri Arimoto (Japanese): Head of Art Department

- Mr. Chris (British): English Department

- Giáp Thị Thuỳ Linh: Teacher of Fuji

- Nguyễn Thị Xuân Trang: Teacher of Fuji 1

- Lê Thị Kim Anh: Teacher of Yuri 2

*Teacher who came back to work after maternity leave

- Lại Thị Thạch Thảo: Teacher of Ume 1

*Teacher who finished their contract in March

- Phan Thị Thùy Dung: Teacher of Fuji 1

- Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo: Teacher of Yuri 2



Sakura - Olympia

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